Region VI
Black History Month - American Heart Month (celebrate and promote awareness)


Welcome to Region VI of the National Association for Black Veterans.
Kentucky, Indiana, Missouri, Ohio, and Tennessee


February is Black History Month, American Heart Month. Low Vision Awareness Month, and National Cancer Prevention Month.  There is much to share in awareness, select what encourages and drive your heart and bring awareness to where you may be impactful.  

Mardi Gras Celebrations are underway in New Orleans along with Super Bowl 59.  The famed "Fat Tuesday" is March 4, 2025.  Enjoy all the history and heritage of 2025.  May you be impacted while impacting others in knowledge and though the experience(s).




Governor Beshear Remarks during Veterans Day Ceremony - honoring 16 Black Veterans of Civil War

Check on a veteran, we are our brothers and sisters keeper.  Wellness checks are encouraged as we stay connected with all veterans.  Our veterans are in need of your assistance in their mental health and well-being, reach out to one or a few and take a moment to listen to them (you may never know how important this is in reference to every veteran).

On behalf of Region VI Command Council of the National Association for Black Veterans, Inc. (NABVETS), and Region VI Command Council I would like to thank and welcome to our Website.  For over fifty-four years NABVETS (est. 1969), a National non-profit membership organization, has provided services to veterans in addressing the holistic, intellectual, leadership, economical, and moral issues of veterans, their families, and communities. The Association has members across the United States, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and the Dominion Republic – members - valued for their support of broad veterans’ initiatives, projects, and services. Although NABVETS is an organization developed by and for Black Veterans, ALL Veterans are welcome to join, and ALL veterans are provided services.

NABVETS priorities are to address issues of veteran’s homelessness, youth empowerment, and community development. Veterans possess the experience, knowledge, discipline, training, and capacity to unite among themselves and with citizen soldiers to make a difference in the quality of life for youth, families, and their community. It is NABVETS philosophy that Veterans have protected America on foreign soil and must now continue that commitment at home.  

NABVETS members, as productive and responsible adults, can influence and affect change to strengthen their families, communities, and the larger society. Toward this end, veterans are encouraged to join a NABVETS Chapter for membership (non-military may join our Auxiliary in support) in their community (and at large). I recommend that you do the same and assist with the implementation and operation of service programs, which are directed to veterans, and their families.   We are seeking to increase our membership with your presence.  Reach out to us, if you wish to join the mission!  We desire your assistance in the assistance of caring for veterans after service in the community and in our country.  We welcome and encourage contact with our active duty-veterans.

We are Forever positive in the face of negativity, meaning we have and will convey a spirit of "Let's Get It Done", at all times.

We welcome you to  Region VI Command Council of The National Association for Black Veterans Inc. (NABVETS) website. We are happy that you have taken the time to visit our site. We hope that you will find the information  you are looking for. We hope to "Create a more positive lifestyle", for you and your families, and any other Veteran you may know. Click on the star above, bookmark the site, and then share our site with any and all veterans.

Additionally, we have Veteran Service Officers available. We can and will assist you with filing your claims. 

POC: Commander Kathleen Cursh-Gray
Email: or 502-640-0437.

We hope to serve those that have served, help those that have helped and honor those that have served this country with honor. We look to educate young people by sharing the life experiences that we have lived and above all create a more positive lifestyle for all veterans. As you take a tour of the site we hope that you will find information that is informative, interesting, and beneficial to you and other veterans that you may come in contact with. Please pass it along to help others as we all work to keep this nation a wonderful free place to live.


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National Association for Black Veterans, Inc

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